Ron Braun
Ron Braun is a professional cartoonist and the creator of Once Upon A Platypus, an all-ages sci-fi/fantasy tale about a young girl whose discovery of a talking platypus with amnesia plunges her into a wild and dangerous adventure. Eight issues and a graphic novel collection featuring the first five have already been released with an ninth issue due out in the Spring of 2024. In addition, his first children’s book, Josh and The SpaceBots, was released in 2021.
Ron’s past work includes the books Space Junk, All Tooned Up and No Place To Go!, Hello Cruel World, My Best Friend is an Idiot!, Modern Daze and A Long Time Ago In A High School Not So Far Away…
You can find him on Facebook and Instagram at @onceuponaplatypus and @toonitupart and Twitter at @toonitupart .